Huggie Bear needs your help!
Oh hello there!
Thank you so much for coming to help me! Let me introduce myself.
I’m Huggie Bear
…that handsome, cuddly soft bear you seeing laying on luscious beds at
The Cranleigh Boutique… Also known as The Chief Best Tester, it’s an exhausting job I know.
I’m in need of some advice.
Mrs Huggie has been nagging at me a lot lately… She says that I spend too much time “working” and wants to see what all the fuss is about at The Cranleigh Boutique.
I’m thinking of bringing her for a stay at the hotel because 1. I’m a hopeless romantic and
2. Because it also gets me out the bad books… Do you think a nice winter break will do the trick?
What about one of those Wintermacy stays I keep hearing about… Have you heard of them?
I’ll be so grateful for any suggestions. However, I’ll let you know what I come with in my next blog!
Speak soon!
Huggie Bear
Chief Bed Tester at The Cranleigh Boutique
to plan your Wintermacy stay
at The Cranleigh Boutique
PS. Enter our Competition for a chance to win a Wintermacy Break at The Cranleigh Boutique