Spring at the Cranleigh with the Huggie Bears – Chapter 1. We almost made it through Dry January, Coronation Street and keyboard bashing!
Mr Huggie has putting some extra shifts in so that he can treat her to the 3 Day Spring Offer at The Cranleigh for their 15th wedding anniversary.
Spring at the Cranleigh with the Huggie Bears – Chapter 3. Someone call a doctor, Mrs Huggie’s in a chocolate induced coma!
Upon check-in, Mr Huggie talks dinner reservations with reception whilst Mrs Huggie induces herself into a chocolate coma!
Spring at the Cranleigh with the Huggie Bears – Chapter 5. We’ve just wolfed down a complimentary Cranleigh Breakfast…
Mr & Mrs Huggie wolf down a delicious breakfast in the hotel before a day out in the Lakes, dinner at BAHA and then cocktails at The...
Spring at the Cranleigh with the Huggie Bears – Chapter 2. Do you love a good rump? I know I do!
Mr & Mrs Huggie and have just arrived at the Cranleigh Boutique to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary on the Cranleigh Boutique's 3 Day Spring Offer!
Spring at the Cranleigh with the Huggie Bears - Chapter 8. ‘Huggie we’re home!’
After a romantic spring break away in the Lakes, Mr & Mrs Huggie finally arrive home to baby Huggie and baby sitter Mrs. Ewe.